I think this is the first day in a while that I haven't had to worry much about homework of any kind, because I have a college visit tomorrow (thus, none of the little high school homework I have is due until Monday) and my HAS essay isn't due for another week. Yay!
Hopefully, I'll be in the mood to work on OWY1U today...
So, not only am I still sick, but today (and most likely tomorrow) is a snow day! Yay, my absence won't be counted against me this time and I won't have to do any more homework!
Well, except for work on the HAS essay more. But even though that'll automatically make today a bad day, it looks like it'll be better than yesterday!
Turns out I get to stay home from school today as well. Plus, there's not as much homework today - as far as I know, all I need to finish is the study guide for the English test. Yay!
I didn't have too much homework today. My days are getting better, but they still have a while to go before I consider them "good" again
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I didn't even have to go on the college visit like I said yesterday, because my mom's car broke down on the way! Having to wait for my cousin to pick us up was hard, but worth it! Plus, there's a chance of a snow day tomorrow!